Brands We Source Our Hearing Products From

Hearing Services in Lower Mainland from Experienced Audiologists
We provide our services to children (as young as five years) and adults. We understand that each of our clients has different hearing concerns and unique needs. Each client is treated with the utmost care, respect and privacy. As we have the largest selection of brands and styles of hearing aids, you can count on our audiologists to help you choose the right hearing system that’s suitable for your needs. Come see us for all your hearing needs including assistive listening devices, hearing aid accessories and batteries.
Diagnostic Hearing Evaluation
A comprehensive hearing evaluation is the first step in determining if you have a hearing impairment. Our hearing evaluation process involves an interview to help us understand the hearing challenges and how it impacts your lifestyle. We also identify the contributing factors.
An otoscopy examination is performed. This procedure involves looking into your ear with an otoscope to determine if there are any obstructions or visible damage. A comprehensive hearing test (air conduction, bone conduction and speech testing) is done to help us identify if there is a hearing loss and which part of the ear is affected. We ensure that all the information is shared with you and your loved ones at the appointment. We will also discuss treatment options.
Hearing Test
When hearing tests are required for job applications or for drivers license renewals, our audiologists are able to complete this assessment in a timely manner. This exam is slightly less detailed than the diagnostic test and the audiologist will complete all of the required procedures tailored for each application form.
Pediatric Hearing Test
If you suspect that your child has hearing loss, or the school has requested a hearing test, our qualified audiologists at Advanced Hearing Solutions have the right equipment and testing procedures for children five years and older. When hearing loss is detected early on in the life of your child, the appropriate recommendations and treatment can be provided to enhance your child's development.
Hearing Aid Fittings
As an independent hearing clinic, our audiologists pride themselves in selecting the most appropriate hearing aids from leading manufacturers to suit your audiological needs. We provide a comprehensive no-obligation trial period to ensure success with your hearing aids. Our customer care services cover cleaning, checking and reprogramming the hearing aids as well as conducting regular hearing exams. We also provide you any assistance you may need along the way to help preserve your hearing wellness and keep your hearing aids working optimally.
Hearing Aid Repairs
Is your hearing aid not functioning the way it used to? Bring it to us. As an independent hearing clinic, Advanced Hearing Solutions Inc. provides both in-house and out-of-office repairs for most hearing aids across brands, makes and models.
Earmold Impressions
One of the most important aspects of wearing hearing aids is comfort. Our audiologists are very skilled at taking precise earmold impressions and use the most current materials to ensure a comfortable fit every time.
We are an authorized provider of services to private and third-party claimants. Hearing aids are not currently covered by the Medical Services Plan (MSP) of British Columbia. However, extended health benefit plans may provide some reimbursement. Many customers may be entitled to coverage. Our audiologists can help you apply for hearing loss benefits. We are providers for:
Financing Plans
Our easy payment plan may assist you when you purchase your hearing instruments. We have payment plan options that can be tailored for your needs. Please discuss this with your audiologist.